Advance 你的职业生涯与组织领导学士学位

想要获得职业发展所需的学位证书? 在正规博彩十大网站, 我们提供一个加速学位完成计划,使获得学士学位的工作的专业人士可以实现.

我们的组织领导学位是一个以职业为重点的课程,适合有大学学分的专业人士,他们有兴趣获得学士学位. 你可以利用我们无障碍的混合模式和低学费,以一种适合你的方式回到学校.

You’ll be able to complete your Organizational Leadership degree in as little as 20 months, 每门课程都是8周的速成课程, 所以你可以尽快看到你的学习结果.


你所学习的组织领导专业的课程是为几乎适用于任何领域的任何领导职位而设计的. Plus, 你可以选择一个特别的刑事司法专业来推进执法或社会服务的职业生涯.

完善你的人事管理技能, communications, 商业决策等等, and start your path toward a more fulfilling and higher-paying career





The BS in Organizational Leadership is designed to work with your already busy schedule. It’s tailored for working professionals who have already completed some college credits, so you’ll be able to achieve your bachelor’s degree with the help of:


Courses meet in-person at the beginning and end of each eight-week term, 而类的其余部分是异步在线交付的. In-person class meetings help foster connections to your instructors and classmates, 而主要的在线格式提供了灵活性, allowing you to maintain your employment and fulfill your other obligations. 速成学位在八周内完成, which means that you can complete your Organizational Leadership degree in as little as 20 months!


我们的加速学位课程的学费比太平洋标准学费低大约50%. Scholarships are also available to students completing their degree, 这使得组织领导力课程非常实惠.


培养经理需要的技能, 包括沟通, professional writing, 项目管理和组织领导. 这些技能在专业领域每天都会用到,让你走上令人兴奋的职业发展之路.

Why Degree Completion?


Program Testimonial
Jennifer Juanitas

“组织领导力学位完成课程使我能够在获得学位的同时工作和照顾家人. 我非常感激这个项目能够提供给我. Thanks to this program, I was able to get a dream job with OLLI at Pacific.”

——jennifer Juanitas, 2018年组织领导学学士

Program Director, Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) at Pacific


What Can You Do with Your Organizational Leadership Bachelor's Degree?

An Organizational Leadership major helps you master the abilities necessary to be a strong leader, project manager or administrator in nearly every professional environment. 组织领导力课程的毕业生可以在他们目前的工作环境中寻求晋升,或者利用他们新获得的证书申请新的工作, 在他们的领域有更高收入的工作.

What can you do with a BS in Organizational Leadership with a 刑事司法专业?

We also offer a 刑事司法专业 我们的组织领导学位. This concentration is a great fit for anyone pursuing career advancement in law enforcement, social services, legal support and more.

例如,报告显示,拥有学士学位的刑事司法专业人员有更高的收入潜力, 在加州75%的执法机构中, 拥有学士学位的军官工资更高.


组织领导学士学位的课程是按照预定的顺序完成的, 所以你永远不用担心能否进入你需要的课程.

组织领导专业包括广泛的课程,涵盖各种基本的专业技能. Some examples are:

  • 组织管理与领导
  • 收益、成本和决策
  • 组织社会心理学
  • Professional Ethics
  • 高级专业写作


ORGL 100. 组织领导导论. 3 units. 本课程是组织领导力的入门课程,重点介绍如何成为一名优秀的领导者. 重点放在领导能力的实践上. 本课程将探讨领导力的本质, 以及领导技巧的介绍, 该计划将涵盖的概念和伦理. Students will also be trained in digital information literacy skills – including finding, 评估和适当地使用资源和数据.

BCPS 130. 专业的沟通. 3 units. 本课程旨在帮助学生在专业和商业环境中成为更有效的沟通者. It covers the skills necessary for communication in the work environment and modern society. Prerequisites: Enrolled in an approved Benerd College degree completion program.

ORGL 103. 组织管理与领导. 3 units. This course presents a comprehensive, integrative, and practical focus on leadership and management. 它基于一个分析不同层次的领导力和管理的框架:个人领导力, team leadership, 组织领导力. This course also focused on foundational skill development as a manager/leader.

ORGL 135. 公共关系:市场营销原理. 3 units. The objective of this course is to increase the understanding of the Public Relations field. 重点放在营销理论和实践, 组织中的功能, 以及公关在社会中的角色.


BCPS123. 收益、成本和决策. 3 units. 本课程探讨决策是如何做出的. 理性选择理论的经济框架——只要收益大于成本就采取行动——被用作分析个人决策行为的起点, firms and governments. 我们考虑如何衡量成本和收益,以及如何评估评估它们所使用的信息和数据的有效性. Basic game theoretic models are introduced to explain strategic decision-making. The limits of rational choice theory are also addressed with insights from behavioral economics. Prerequisites: Enrolled in an approved Benerd College degree completion program.

ORGL 143. 调解及冲突管理. 3 units. Conflict is inevitable, but it does not have to be debilitating for individuals and organizational/social systems. 本课程探讨了使用基于利益的调解和谈判技术解决争议的理论和实践. Students gain a broad understanding of mediation and negotiation strategies, 学习能让你更成功地处理冲突的技能, and develop confidence in the mediation process as an effective means to resolving interpersonal, organizational, and community disputes.

BCPS 120. 论证与说服. 3 units. 本课程旨在帮助学生在专业背景下更有能力提出有说服力的论点,并找出论点的弱点. 学生将被介绍到有说服力的论证,包括决策的关键问题和主题, genres, logos, pathos, and ethos. Prerequisites: Enrolled in an approved Benerd College degree completion program.

ORGL 105. 组织社会心理学. 3 units. 学生学习组织结构影响个人生活的社会学方式. Special attention will be given to the structural determinants of motivation, opportunity, 组织内部的权力和参与. 组织文化(角色和形象), 组织变革的过程, 最近的努力,以提高工作生活质量和生产力的组织进行了审查.

ORGL 145. 人力资源问题. 3 units. This course explores the issues and challenges that face the human resource area in any organization. Emphasis is placed on the challenge of attracting and retaining qualified, competent employees. Organizational change and its impact on employee motivation and performance is also addressed.


UCAD 110. 会计和财务报表分析. 3 units. 本课程着重于财务报表中出现的会计要素,以及如何使用流动性来分析财务报表, solvency, 盈利能力比率. Emphasis is placed on using accounting as a tool to assist managers in the decision-making process. This course also offers a brief introduction to the master budget process. Prerequisites: Enrolled in an approved Benerd College degree completion program.

ORGL 145. 人力资源问题. 3 units. This course explores the issues and challenges that face the human resource area in any organization. Emphasis is placed on the challenge of attracting and retaining qualified, competent employees. Organizational change and its impact on employee motivation and performance is also addressed.

ORGL 139. 组织沟通. 3 units. 本课程概述了组织沟通领域中一些最重要的理论和研究. Students will learn about the essential role of communication in a number of organizational settings, and develop skills in applying organizational communication theory concepts, 以及诊断的视角, prevent, 解决组织问题.

PACS 003. 什么是道德生活? 3 units. In their senior year, students take Pacific Seminar 3: 什么是道德生活? 本课程是通识教育的终极体验,也是大学写作要求的最后组成部分. 学生学习和分析伦理概念和理论,以更好地了解他们的道德发展, moral values, and behavior. Students will analyze ethical issues in the contexts of family and friends, work, and political life. Faculty use narrative media-such as film, biography, and literature-to illustrate ethical issues. 学生写一本道德自传,反思他们的道德发展,并预测他们在未来作为家庭成员和朋友的角色中可能遇到的道德决定, 作为劳动力的一部分, 作为当地的公民和成员, national, and global communities. Senior Standing.


BCPS150. 高级专业写作. 3 units. 本课程将帮助学生写得更清楚, concisely, 并且对专业背景下的特定受众具有说服力. 学生将学会识别听众的需求, 确定要包含哪些信息以及如何包含, 并组织一份文件来回答问题, solve problems or otherwise effectively meet the needs of a given audience and context. Prerequisites: Enrolled in an approved Benerd College degree completion program.

UCAD 165. 项目管理:应用理论与实践. 3 units. This course develops a foundation of concepts and solutions that supports the planning, scheduling, controlling, resources allocation, and performance measurement activities required for successful completion of a project. 另外还要考虑到项目生命周期, Gantt charting, 执行和实现策略, risk management, budgeting, 影响力和团队领导能力.

ORGL 175. 研究方法:定量与定性. 3 units. The objective of this course is to introduce students to fundamentals of communication research. Special emphasis is on understanding the "logic" of the research process. 学生发展研究设计的技能, 数据收集和分析, and learn how to apply quantitative and qualitative research methods to solving problems. This course also helps students understand the role of ethics in communication research.

ORGL 180. 领导力:文化与挑战. 3 units. 本课程侧重于学生在整个课程中培养的领导技能如何应用于对组织产生有意义和积极的影响, communities, or societies. The course looks at exemplary leaders and contemporary leadership challenges, with special consideration of the moral aspects of effective leadership. Emphasis is on integrating practical leadership skills with qualities such as authenticity, integrity, 以及情商,以有效应对包括工作场所在内的各种环境中的挑战.


ORGL 176. Applied Research. 3 units. 本课程的目的是帮助学生综合和整合在组织行为学研究中获得的学习经验,并评估与主要重点领域相关的研究和当前主题. 学生们要做一篇文献综述, analyze data, 撰写实证报告, 举办培训和研讨会, 以及目前的研究成果.

ORGL 199. 组织领导力顶点. 3 units. 本课程旨在帮助学生将组织领导力的学术研究与他们在各种组织环境中的领导经验相结合,为他们成功和有效地应用他们在课程中发展起来的技能和知识做好准备, 在他们的职业生涯和社区. 学生将综合各种观点, 概念和方法, 研究和分析组织领导问题或问题,并提出适当的方法或解决方案


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